Dinner and Drinks

Saturday, January 14, 2006

My last Saturday night in Austin was a bust…

First, I could still barely eat. So. I nibbled my way through dinner at the Olive Garden with my parents and my mom’s former coworker Ernie and his wife. Chewing in the very front of your mouth is tough, and I had to hold a napkin up to my face after each bite. Because. Chewing in the very front of your mouth without opening your mouth is almost impossible.

Anyway, drinks later with Eric Hawthorne at the Drafthorse. We sat out in the cold and had a couple before finding a table in the warm, wooden interior. But then my mouth started aching again and by about midnight I just had to leave to go watch TV at home like an idiot.


Oh, and I watched Serenity with my dad… He kind of liked it. Didn’t impress me quite as much as it did the first time. A bit too clumsy or something. It’s the TRUTH.

Journal entry every day, folks.